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1 League or Event at YMCA - Christian Street Clear Filters
  5v5 Ref League, $35/Team Weekly Ref Fee - Rosters up to 9 Players


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Registration is first come, first served, subject to availability and cannot be held without payment.

Team Captains: Check out our CAPTAIN'S PAYMENT POLICY!

***Teammates must register as Team Players prior to the deadline to avoid a late fee.


Shirts: Team shirts are available at the 1st game for anyone that registers prior to the registration deadline.

Equipment: Top-of-the-line equipment provided at each game. Visit our League Rules to see what equipment is provided!

Playoffs/Prizes: All leagues include a 1-3 week playoff and championship medals.

Assigned Referees: Teams are required to pay officials prior to games for refereed leagues. Visit the Officials' Fee Policy for more information.

Social Media: Visit @HeydayAthletic for player/team features, championship photos, contests and more!

Sponsor Bars: Visit Sponsor Bars page for league designated bars and weekly/champ specials


Visit our League Rules page before your first match!

Check out our League Policies page for info on Forfeits, Cancellations, Blackout Dates, Shirt Requirements and Substitutions

Refund Policy

Paid registrants will receive a welcome email at least 3-5 days prior to the league start date with schedule.

Please confirm your scheduled game time 24hrs before each game. Schedule and locations are subject to change.

Please visit our FAQ page for more information.

3.23, 3.30, 4.6, 4.13, 4.27, 5.4, 5.11

6:15 PM, 7:15 PM, 8:15 PM, 9:15 PM