Yoga Standings


Please check back later for updated standings.

How are Standings Calculated?
In the event of a Tie-Breaker in the Standings:

1. Overall Standings Points (as notated in the +/- column of the Standings)
2. Head to Head match-ups (only when all tied teams have played one another)
3. Win Percentage
4. Point Differential per week (teams receive the max point differential for forfeit wins)
5. Offensive Scoring
6. Registration Date
League Playoff Format will be listed in Homepage.

The following point differential cap limits are used per game:

Basketball = 15

Softball/Kickball = 10

Football = 30

Outdoor Soccer = 5

Indoor Soccer = 7

Floor Hockey = 7

Handball = 7

If a game finishes in a tie, standard Heyday [Overtime Rules]( apply. Regular season games can finish in a tie after overtime is completed (time permitting). All playoff games must have a winner.
º Forfeits
Parenthesized numbers indicate wins or losses by forfeit.
When calculating Ranking Points, forfeits may be weighted differently than normal wins and losses.